Hints & tips for more meditation practice

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1. Choose a particular space for practice - especially at the beginning. Could be a room, or part of a room, but designate it 'your space' - maybe with a chair, stool, cushion or mat - or maybe your bed for lying down practice (NB beware of sleep - unless this is your intention!). You may add in a shawl or scarf. It may suit you to use more walking practice - in which case adapt your choice to a suitable room or any outside space. 

2. It's often easier to have a regular time for practice - incorporating this into your daily schedule - maybe 5 times a week.  First thing is a good time for many  - when a mindful/compassionate intention for the day can be set and before the weight of mind chatter takes over. Let others know so as not to be disturbed.

3. It's being proven that shorter more frequent practice is more effective at creating brain change. So a very regular short practice of 10/15 minutes is better than 40 minutes once a fortnight.

4. An alert but relaxed body posture means signals from the body impact the brain/mind to encourage greater well-being ... sitting, walking or lying down!

5. The breath is the commonest anchor for mindfulness mediation - but the heart is often used for compassion-based practices - whist the belly can foster calm centredness and the feet help us (literally!) to ground. Take your pick!

6. Remember .. to bridge that gap between formal and day to day 'embedded' mindfulness  - a simple 'remember'  practice can be 'triggered' when we walk up the stairs, along a corridor, sit for a meal, receive a phone alert (!) ... to help us mentally pause, to remember and to 'come back' to awareness of this moment.