CALM Practice

Here's a C A L M practice - courtesy of one of our group. It's useful to have an acronym to help remind us of a practical, on-the-spot practice such as this:


 1. CONNECT your mind and body with a mindful check-in: feeling any sensations, any tightness in the body as well as feeling into your mood, feeling into your emotions, and just acknowledging whatever you are feeling &  letting these thoughts, sensations, feelings – just be.

2. ANCHOR your ATTENTION in your feet on the floor or hands on your lap or the rhythm of your breathing.

Allow your Awareness to rest and breathe steadily

Appreciate this special time that we share together

3. LET GO of any thoughts or memories of the day or concerns about tomorrow, even if the letting go is temporary. Offer yourself some Loving Kindness in this moment : may I be as safe, happy & healthy as possible through the next couple of months; may my life and lived experiences be in harmony with my surroundings and other people; may my life be balanced, in equilibrium. Offer other people similar loving kindness : may YOU be as safe, happy & healthy as possible through the next couple of months; may Your lives and lived experiences be in harmony with YOUR surroundings and other people around you; may YOUR life be balanced, in equilibrium.

4. MAKE a commitment to be MINDFUL over the summer. Come to this place of CALM on a regular basis while we have a break from meeting together. MOVE your body steadily and gently to stretch your fingers etc , shrug shoulders, glide neck from side to side / up & down & come back to stillness; breathing steadily & open your eyes.



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